Mens Newsletter May 2013

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News The A, B, C’s of Masculine



ost of the images of prayer we’ve been exposed to as men are primarily feminine. Whether it was momma who prayed over us before

nd? bed, or, a woman praying over her food at nd? work. Once again, guys tend to view it as something for her. In fact, a Religious landscape survey done on over 35,000

What if you could change that? What if you, like the great men of faith throughout scripture could begin to see prayer for what it really is? In the next few editions we’ll explore

Christians found that two-thirds of women

how we as men can tighten our connection

pray while less than half of the men did

with God, misconceptions that have kept men


from prayer and simple strategies any guy can use to maintain an effective prayer life.

1 Building Men. Raising Sons!

Prayer doesn’t make you pitiful. It makes you powerful. It allows 2 Building Men. Raising Sons! God to intervene in your affairs.

Q: Why are men dying earlier


than women?

here’s a joke about a man who

“Have you ever seen a doctor?” And he

goes to the doctor complaining

replies, “No. Just the spots.” The joke gets

that he sees spots. The receptionist asks,

3 Building Men. Raising Sons!

laughs because it reflects a truth: Men are

much less likely than women to look after

importantly maintain a healthy diet and

their health and see physicians.

lifestyle. The better at and longer you can do

As a man you can live a long and healthy life by properly managing your

this, the more likely you are to live out your full years.

physical body. Be sure to exercise and more If you have a question pertaining to manhood that you would like to submit to the Pastor, to be answered here in our monthly Q and A, segment E Mail us at

Events  Our next men’s meeting is May 19th at 7:00 P.M. 

The commissioning ceremony will be held the Sunday after Father’s Day, June 23 2013 after second service.


4 Building Men. Raising Sons!

Review The Action Bible

S nd?

o your boys’ not into the Word huh? Then fear no more, ‘The Action Bible’ is here! With boys being diagnosed with reading disorders and dropping out of school at six

nd?times the rate of young girls David Cook author of ‘The Action Bible’ may have arrived at a solution.

‘The Action Bible’ takes every bible story and puts it into a cool comic book version for boys. The exodus of Israel, the story of Job, the mountain vision of Christ, it’s all there! He’ll love the graphic artwork and moral lessons echoed throughout each story.

5 Building Men. Raising Sons!

The artwork is amazing to say the least, and its comic book style makes it very compelling to young male readers. More than ever, we need creative tools like this that will engage the young male mind in God’s Word. And this is it. The stories in The Action Bible communicate clearly and forcefully to contemporary readers. This compelling blend of clear writing plus dramatic images offers an appeal that crosses all age boundaries. Brazilian artist Sergio Cariello has created attention-holding illustrations marked by rich coloring, dramatic shading and lighting, bold

6 Building Men. Raising Sons!

and energetic designs, and emotionally charged figures. Let this epic rendition draw you into all the excitement of the world’s most awesome story!

Article There Is a King in You

T nd?

here is the story of a young man who often raced cars. The other guys would ridicule him, because not only did he

lose, his race cars were completely ugly. One

those boys was this, - he had purchased a

day however, as he rolled to the starting line,

brand new engine!


all of the girls mocked and pointed, and his male competitors shook their head, by some odd twist of fate however, he won; and decided to never race again. What now Living Word Christian Centers’ Senior pastor Bill Winston never told

7 Building Men. Raising Sons!

And the rest was history. In the book of Micah 4:9 the prophet declares, “Why do you cry out loud? Is there no king in you?” when addressing God’s people. As men, we often lose sight of who is on the inside, and as a result, lose the many

challenges of this life. Often we are pressured

win, because the King of kings is on the

with unrealistic expectations. Whether from

inside of us!

religion, business, women or money, the world looks to us for leadership and guidance. But no matter what we’re up against, we have to remember that we’ve been equipped to

Make up your mind today to have peace amidst life’s storms. Why? Because you’ve been completely changed on the inside. There is a king in you.

Bulletins 

You can view our newsletter archives by visiting

If you or a man you know is looking for employment in the East End Henrico area, email us at

8 Building Men. Raising Sons!


Proverbs 3:11-12


nd?My son don’t reject the LORD’s discipline and don’t be upset when He corrects you. For the LORD corrects those He loves. Even as a father corrects a son in whom he delights.

Thought For every giant there is a stone.

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Got Faith? Get a masculine approach to God’s Word Receive archives, bulletins and events Reach manhood by God’s design

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