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Change Space
Tip# 3170 By Jeremy Grove On 22-Mar-2009
Rated By 1 users
Categories : Paper Space
Software type : AutoCAD 2009
Rename File To : No Files to download.
Switch objects to paper space from model space or vice versa.

Jeremy Grove sends us a method that will switch objects to paper space from model space, or vice versa. This tip is very useful when people draw items to scale in paper space and you want them in model space. It can also be used to bring objects from model space into paper space so you can have objects appear effortlessly in legends at the same plotted size as they appear in the drawing.

To change objects from paper space, type Chspace, select objects, then select the viewport and the object will be scaled to the viewport scale and inserted into model space. To bring them from model space into paper space work through the viewport the object appears in, type Chspace, then select the object, press Enter, and the object will be brought from models space into paper space.

Of course, there are many more uses for this command than just these two, but this is a great time-saving device, especially if you want to change items that were drawn to scale in paper space to full size in model space.

NOTES FROM CADALYST TIP PATROL: Change Space is a great tool. It was once a member of the Express Tools, but was later integrated into AutoCAD. It will transfer objects from paper space to model, or vice versa. The objects will appear the same because Change Space adjusts the size of the object when it changes its location. The other great thing is that Change Space places the object in the same place, so the object will look as if it’s the same size and in the same location, only it is in paper or model space now. There are many uses for this command.


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User comments
Comment by Clifton,George
Posted on 2009-03-23 13:08:06
For years when I had drawings with multiple viewports at different scales, I did all my text in paperspace to get the correct size and then used chspace to put them into the viewport.
Comment by struckmann,cord
Posted on 2009-03-23 13:40:33
using this command, just make sure you know the scale of the viewport that is utilized in this command. the first mentioned example (drawing an object to scale(!) in paper space) relies on having a 1:1 viewport -- if they mean 'full-size' with scale. otherwise why does one draw to a reduced scale in paper space anyhow?