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ProPurchaser Member Success Story: Well Informed Buyers have More Collaborative Supplier Relationships "My suppliers are on notice that I'm an educated buyer. We have a more collaborative relationship because they know I am as informed as they are. For instance, the owner of one of my key suppliers might contact me and say, "You know, I'm hearing rumblings from a factory that something is going on. What are you hearing out there?" And I can say, "Well, here's the little bit I know, what information do you want?" And I'll shoot them back a couple of charts on copper, aluminum, cast iron or something like that. And he says, "Now I'm in a better position to argue myself." In doing that, he’s arguing on my behalf. The role of purchasing isn’t just to beat on the supplier. If you're not knowledgeable, you're not going to get anywhere and that supplier's not going want to deal with you in the future anyway." #purchasing #procurement #negotiation

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