50 Professional Photos Showing the Wonders and Beauty of Brazil

Brazil is the 5th largest country in the world, both as surface and population, and the largest one in South America. Some know about it because of the unique coffee fragrances, others because of the world-wide known Rio de Janeiro carnival and others because of the talents of sport that country offered in the past years. Its topography and climate are very diversified and turn Brazil into a perfect destination for tourists of all kinds and especially artists who are into photography. Its flora and fauna offer endless possibilities for photographers and this showcase will illustrate some examples of it, from high-speed photography, to portraits and wildlife, all from this amazing country, called Brazil!

Iguazu Waterfalls


Ricardo author:Roumen Koynov


Jump author:Roumen Koynov


Street Market in Flamengo, Rio de Janeiro

Street Market in Flamengo, Rio de Janeiro author:Taylor Knight

Traditional Coffee

Rocinha 11

Rocinha 11 author:Joao Pereira

Surui Indians

Dunes in Brazil


Pantanal 4949

Pantanal 4949 author:Lenka Gondova

Brazilian Piglets

Brazilian Piglets author:Lenka Gondova

Brazilian Bird

Brazilian Bird author:Lenka Gondova

Pantanal 4416

Pantanal 4416 author:Lenka Gondova

Brazilian Blue Parrot

Brazilian Blue Parrot author:Lenka Gondova

Thunderstorm in Brazil

Thunderstorm in Brazil author:Lenka Gondova

Weird Animal

Weird Animal author:Lenka Gondova

Sunset Over Brazil

Sunset Over Brazil author:Lenka Gondova


Danger! author:Lenka Gondova

Wildlife in Brazil

Wildlife in Brazil author:Cesar Andrade


Sugar Loaf at Sunset

Soccer Game In Brazil

Undisturbed Beauty

Going to Paradise…

Going to Paradise… author:Fernando Lyra

Samba Schools Parade

Rio de Janeiro’s Afternoon

Rio de Janeiros Afternoon author:George Philot

Copacabana Rio Brazil Samba Show

Carnaval Rio de Janeiro

Carnaval Rio de Janeiro author:SeLuSaVa

O Cristo Redentor

O Cristo Redentor author:clemmesen

Praia do Forte

Praia do Forte author:80itenta

Bahia 6

Bahia 6 author:Auroqueiro

Afro-Brazilian Woman Leaves Offerings

Afro-Brazilian Woman Leaves Offerings author:Walter Firmo

Rio de Janeiro Copacabana

Rio de Janeiro Copacabana author:michelmond

Blue Sunset

Blue Sunset author:scalony

Victoria Regia or Victoria Amazonica

Rio de Janeiro

Voando no Forte


Itacaré author:Auro Queiroz

Stunning Waterfalls

Stunning Waterfalls author:Jesuino Souza

Public Fountain

Public Fountain author:fabio cabrera

Sea Shell

Great View

Great View author:Chaval Brasil


Where to Look? – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Where to Look? - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil author:whl.travel

Christ the Redeemer

Carnaval Revelers, Rio de Janeiro

Pantanal Cowhands

Pantanal Cowhands author:Joel Sartore

Itaquai River


Toucan author:F. Lukasseck


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16 Responses:

  1. Thanwan says:

    Lovely pictures!! I Love Em Soo Much!! Thanks!!

    ( 2 years and 4580 days ago )
  2. Luana says:

    Hey I’m a brazilian webdesigner, you forgot to put photos of my lovely São Paulo =)
    but these are great fotos!

    ( 2 years and 4579 days ago )
  3. Qamar Soomro says:

    I have gone through every picture above and find that Brazil is a wonder country. The wiews are stunning. Beauty of Nature everywhere is glorious. A country worth visiting every year.

    ( 2 years and 4579 days ago )
  4. ViNo says:

    Superb Collection… 🙂

    ( 2 years and 4579 days ago )
  5. Erikuri says:

    Well, I’m Brazilian, too, and there are some of these places I only know by photos, because Brazil is too huge. And wonderful, God was generous with us… Thanks, Giulia, for such beautiful images!

    ( 2 years and 4578 days ago )
  6. anoop says:


    ( 2 years and 4578 days ago )
  7. anurag says:

    Really.it is great feast for eyes

    ( 2 years and 4576 days ago )
  8. nolinechery says:

    wow , make me wanna go to brazil !!

    ( 2 years and 4569 days ago )
  9. Starr SE Photography says:

    Awesome shots!!! The beauty of Brazil is breath taking; especially with an artist behind a camera to capture it…Great work…


    ( 2 years and 4566 days ago )
  10. Mike L says:

    I lived in Rio in 1969, there was no smog it was even more beautiful then.

    People do not seem to be aware of this world wide problem, the earth is being ruined by big corporations.

    I lived in Bata Fogo.

    ( 2 years and 4564 days ago )
  11. Anonymous says:

    Double Rainbow!! Double Rainbow all the way across the waterfalls!! *sob* What does it mean?

    ( 2 years and 4563 days ago )
  12. Luis Vedolin says:

    Iguazu Waterfalls: The correct is Iguaçu. In portuguese, the cedilla (ç) sounds like an “S”, as in “super”. In an indian language, “I” (pronounced like “ee” in beet) means water, and “guaçu” (pronounced like goo-a-soo) means big.

    The “Brazilian Bird”, by Lenka Gondova, is called Tucano.

    On “Pantanal 4949” there is an anta. The anta is on the same family as the elephant, but much smaller (up to 300 kg).

    On “Pantanal 4416” there is a tamanduá-bandeira. Tamanduá is as indian name for this anteater, and bandeira means flag. Note the tail.

    The “Weird animal” is a Tatu (an armadillo). The pronunciation is very like “tatoo”.

    And… Wow! The pictures are great!

    ( 2 years and 4561 days ago )
  13. DP Web design says:

    Thanks for sharing such a beautiful photographs, Victoria Amazonica and Sunset over Brazil are best ones.

    ( 2 years and 4526 days ago )
  14. Beat The Brochure says:

    Wow, these pics are absolutely stunning!

    It’s very interesting to see how different the Brazilian landscape and culture is depending on the region. I’ve been to Brazil a few times and it’s one of my favourite destinations.

    Those Dunes are in Lençois Maranhenses, in the Northwest and you can swim into blue warm water lagoons, it’s fantastic.

    Also recommend a visit to Foz do Iguaçu, the waterfalls are huge and you can hear the water falling noise miles away. And if you’re in adventure and nature you must visit Pantanal in the Central area of Brasil – but you must carry your mosquito repellent at all times.

    Bahia and Rio are classic destinations, but both are perfect to relax at the beach, have fun trying to dance samba, and drink fresh “agua de coco”(coconut water) and caipirinha.

    Oh, I love Brazil!

    ( 2 years and 4275 days ago )
  15. Rafael says:

    The pic “soccer game” shows the greatest supporters of the world, the supporters of my great Fluminense!!! Whoever wants to know more about it check fluminense.com.br

    ( 2 years and 4044 days ago )
  16. kk says:

    really stunning Pics, i really liked it!

    ( 2 years and 3932 days ago )