How To Disarm Your Inner Writer’s Worst Fear

This post goes out to many of the talented but “hidden” writer-blogger friends out there: the ones who either write like crazy but never publish, or publish but refuse to identify themselves. You know who you are.

Let’s face it, mystery writer—you’re scared of something. You’re scared of owning your ideas, of attaching your name to your words. This fear is common for beginning writers, but at some early stage we get over it and move on. Isn’t it time you do, too?

Trust me, I’ve been there. It took me almost 15 years to get over fears! Finally I worked to courage to start this blog, picked a date to publish, and just did it. All better now.

Are you scared that people might think you’re dumb or weird or just plain boring?

You’re none of those. You have what I call the writer’s predilection: a pure talent and simple desire to express yourself in words. Consider this your gift—to you and the world.

…or they’ll laugh or get angry at something you said?

It’s better to get people laughing or angry than not get them feeling anything at all. Nobody listens to people who don’t bother to take a stand.

Look at all the writers and bloggers you look up to — don’t you admire them because they speak their mind and stand their ground? There’s no way you’ll please everyone, but you’ll definitely earn the respect you deserve.

Perhaps you struggle with the mechanics of writing?

No big deal, my writer amigo. Look at Shoemoney — he blogs every single day and can’t for the life of him spell correctly or exercise proper grammar. Day after day after day. It drives me crazy.

But yet I come back to read his stuff every day. Why? Because I treasure Shoemoney’s perspectives on web marketing. He’s successful in his niche and he’s got the courage to share his insights with us, despite his lack of written English pedigree.

You would be no different. If you’ve got value to add to people’s lives, they won’t hold much against you.

Maybe those feelings of being dark and anonymous and untouchable are getting a little too comfortable, eh?

I remember that feeling. I still have that feeling. The title of Disturbed don’t apply to all writers, but all writer’s have a little disturbed in ’em.

I find the best way to deal with this is to keep a tiny private blog that nobody in the world knows about—something you can inform people exists after you’ve died. With this blog you are free to say all the things your writer heart desires. And…do it all in first person.

I assure you that you’ll find this technique very liberating and cathartic. Then, when you’ve gotten settled into that, start your public blog—the one where everything is great and you’re an expert in your niche and everything you say is just so damn awesome.

You wanna go places, earn some respect, make some money, right?

Then it’s time to let your name out of the bag and let the world open up to you.

Being a writer is a most noble quest, full of great power and responsibility, with a purpose much greater than yourself.

So — focus on being you, dear writer. Tell us your real name. All of us want to get to know you better.
